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The Lower Ego Exploits Fear To Its Advantage

fear lower ego Aug 19, 2019
I missed our Monday Coffee last week as I was down with vertigo. My superpower to experience seasickness without going out to sea was working full time. 
I learned many things about the lower ego while I was down, and how its main job is to try to put us in a permanent state of confusion through fear. 
To cut a very long story short, I’m just going to share the nuggets of insights I gained through my ordeal. 
Whenever things don’t go according...
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The Emotional Imaginary Battle We Have With Others

Ever experienced a time when you felt emotionally small, or emotionally big? I’m sure you have. This may be something that most people experience with certain people only.
There are some who are under the emotional grasp of their parents, who still feel like a child whenever they are with their parents, even though they are grown, adults. Every little thing said to them will trigger a small child feeling, and a need to be obedient or rebellious, submissive or aggressive, I think...
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How Often Have You Gotten Yourself In A Mess Because You Were Not Mentally Strong?

This is an ongoing challenge that most of us face in life! How often have we felt so uncomfortable in the emotional situation and we cannot stand the tension because we were mentally not strong enough. 
A sign of mental maturity is the ability to hold tension. To experience the emotional tension and yet not react. Holding allows us space and time to process the situation, without being in a quick hurry to emotionally dump on someone or something. 
Some examples of...
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Whatever You're Not Changing, You're Choosing.

By now, I will assume that you are a little more familiar with how the lower ego surfaces and operates within your own consciousness. And you have probably observed this in others as well. The thing with knowing and understanding how it operates in you is for you to make another choice. Always choose again, and again and again, until you get it. The observation in others is to learn what not to do. 
Far too often, we think we don’t have choices in our habits, or choice of...
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The Lower Ego And It’s Operation Of Judgmentalness & How Does Observation Work

Uncategorized Jul 15, 2019

Let us continue this week with the topic of the lower ego, because it is an interesting one, and also because it runs our lives in always all aspects of our lives, even the spiritual aspect. We see it rampant in religious organisations, may I add. (But that’s a topic for another week!)

Today, I like to talk about Judgmentalness & Observation. This is a very interesting topic because very often there is so much confusion about what they mean and the difference between the two. Keep...

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What Else Does The Lower Ego Get Up To?

You know those times when you feel bad about yourself when you put yourself down, feel shame, feel small, feel inadequate, and you’re comparing yourself with other people on social media? That’s the lower ego at work!

The lower ego wants you to be all of that so that you can never see who you really are because when you become who you really are, you will be more powerful than the lower ego. 

Some of you may say, well if we don’t feel this way about...

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What We Think Is Good May Actually Come From The Lower Ego

Uncategorized Jul 01, 2019

We have been talking about the lower ego in the past two weeks, so I like to recap for those of you who are reading this for the first time (if you have been following these articles, just skip to the third paragraph). 

The concept of the lower ego: We do need the Ego to serve our purpose, it is our identity, it makes us who we are. It is a vehicle or a face for us to utilise to live our purpose, to live our lives, and to enjoy what life on earth has to offer. However, within...

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Your Lower Ego Is Like An Unhealthy Fattening Cheese Cake

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2019

Last week, we talked about how procrastination is instigated by the lower ego, and how we need to make a choice between the higher and lower ego.

Now, intuitively it seems as if the logical way to go about things is to suppress or try to kill the lower ego. To completely get rid of it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. We need to be counter-intuitive in how we deal with the lower ego.

The lower ego is a mass consciousness. It is controlled by the masses, and as long as we live in...

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Bad Habits/Addictions: A Procrastination Tactic By Our Lower Ego

Uncategorized Jun 17, 2019

When you indulge in your bad habit or addiction, you know it is bad for you, but you can’t help it, and you do it anyway, only to feel a little guilty. You say to yourself that this will be the last time. 

But. It just was not your last time!

So what is this thing that has you hooked? That you just can’t help it. Or feel as if you can’t help it?

Take some time and think about it. Are you usually indulging in your bad habit/addiction when you are supposed...

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When Our Perspectives Fail Us

Uncategorized Jun 03, 2019

A common mistake we all make is thinking our perspectives or opinions are facts.

Facts do not alter no matter how to we look at it, no matter from which angle, how we are feeling and so on. A fact is: the sun rises in the east. No matter how we want to twist it or feel about it, it doesn’t change the fact that the sun does rise in the east. Every single day.

The thing is nothing is as consistent as the sunrise. And what trails far behind inconsistently are our perspectives and...

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