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Blog Posts

Are You Using Your Happiness Experience Simulator Enough?

Happiness is our psychological immunity.

Just as we get our daily dose of Vitamin C to up our physical immunity, we also need a dose of happiness to up our psychological immunity. 

Then you may ask, I can pop a Vit C pill, how do I pop a happiness pill (other than state altering pills, which is not only dangerous and in most places illegal)?

What if we could “manufacture” this happiness pill in our own minds? We all have this capacity, we just don’t use...

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"Designed to win, programmed to fail"

Have you heard of this saying: Designed to win, programmed to fail? This quote is talking about us, humans.

If we believe that we have a soul, or spirit, or inner energy, whatever you want to call it, you will believe that we have been designed to win. Why else would we go into our inner sanctuary and do self-talk, or pray in an outer sanctuary if we do not believe this to be true? Think about it -- whenever we feel out of sorts, or things are not working out, or if we feel deep sadness,...

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