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Blog Posts

The more we heal, the more choices we have

Most of us do not realise how liberating it is to heal. 

I'm not talking just about healing our physical being, healing must take place in our emotional/mental selves, and spiritual selves as well. The reason why most of us do not see the importance of healing our other mental, emotional and spiritual being is because we do not see how limited we really are without healing. 

When we are physically injured or when we are ill, we are so aware that our movements are limited. Our...

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The Missing People Choir

I watched an audition by the Missing People Choir in Britain's Got Talent 2017, it was heartbreaking. 

The choir is made up of people who are missing a loved one. The missing people are mostly their children, and some missing since the 80s. Can you imagine having to live through that, not knowing?

Yet, they found strength together, singing as a choir, and they used the talent show as a platform to send a message out to the world, hoping to get some leads to find their missing...

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What you seek is seeking you - Rumi

What you seek is seeking you - Rumi

I love this quote for its simple truth, for its simplicity, and for its depth.

I remember I posted this quote some time back, and someone said: but this is not true, I have been seeking and searching but I do not get what I sought for, what I always get is not what I want.

Want. And seek.

Two very different meanings.

In my understanding, "want" usually comes from the ego-self.

So, in this Rumi quote, the YOU, is not an any old you. It is not the ego you,...

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Nature is speaking to you, are you listening?

Nature has a way of sending us messages and communicating with us if we see them as an extension of ourselves. 

The past week alone I had two encounters with birds. Almost all my life, birds have played a significant role in my life, as messengers, as hint givers. 

Some examples of these would be: from a bird flying into my home at 4 am to sing a song as an affirmative when I asked for a sign the night before about a decision; to flying into a food court where I was seated and then...

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Maybe you're not as special as you think

I get this a LOT:

Whenever I write an article or post something on my social media, I will get some response from, a client, a friend or an acquaintance asking me if I wrote that or posted that because of what they shared with me. Most people are nice about it when they ask, but on several occasions, people have lashed out at me (even people who call themselves spiritual teachers!)

The thing is WE ALL want to think our problems are unique and they make us special. But reality check here: we...

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Are you willing to look at your own darkness?

One of the most challenging things to do is to look at our own darkness, without flinching, without reacting, without blaming, without shame, without embarrassment. This is a tough one for everyone, even for people already on the path of personal development, let alone people who are new to personal growth.

Often people ask me how do I read people. Do I look at their energies first? Or do I read their minds? Or do I look at their aura first?

The first thing I see/sense is usually energy. It...

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Social distancing and our habits

I'm sure like me you have seen many memes of the types of people that will come out of lockdown, from the alcoholic, fitness fanatic to the creative chef.

Obviously, we will not come out of lockdown being just one type of person. We all go through different experiences and different types of learning, and whatever the experience may be, they all serve a purpose.

But I have also noticed one thing that is very interesting. And it has a lot to do with the people of influence in our lives. During...

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Don't complain about things you're not willing to change.

Since we are still in lockdown, I thought I would share a checklist of things you might find useful, and basically keep yourself in check!

Here's the checklist (not in any order of importance):

  1. Complaining that other people do not see the good in you when you are always critical of others.
  2. Complaining that you are not given credit for the work you have done when you do not give credit or praise to others for the work that they have done.
  3. Complaining that others do not love you the way you...
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May the NOW be with you

In my previous class on MIndfulness for Beginners last week, I talked about how we must not allow our thoughts to run us. And that there are thoughts that are real, and most are not because they are based on the past or a future fantasy. One participant asked me what is real then?

My response was: the only reality is that one second of reality, the NOW, whenever we are aware. That is reality. In that one second of reality, we have no fear, we have no stress, we only have the NOW in our...

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May you live like the lotus at ease in muddy water

It is going to be weeks and for some of us months before we are out of this lockdown. Some of us are enjoying it, while others are feeling frustrated, bitter, angry, depressed. One of the key triggers is the unknown -- not knowing when this will all end. The feeling that things are out of our hands. 

Even for those who are enjoying themselves at the beginning of the lockdown, gaming, Netflixing, and so on, it will get to a point of saturation. This is the innate human "mechanism",...

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