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The right perception of self

Getting the right perception of self has to be one of the most difficult things to achieve because it requires a high level of self-awareness.

Most people are still working in progress or have not even started in the area of self-awareness.

People you meet or even yourself could be either thinking that they/you are better at something than they/you actually are. Or thinking that they/you are not as good as they/you are when in truth they/you are meeting the standards!

This can be tricky for...

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Spiritual boundaries and more, part 2

If you have not read part 1 of this sharing, go HERE

What are spiritual boundaries? This is not what people think. Most people think that if they are practising a certain religion, they cannot pray or think of another 'god' and that spiritual warfare will happen as if the gods are having a war over them. (It's a little egotistical thinking happening here) So they think that to practice spiritual boundaries, they need to disown other religions or even start a war in the name of theirs.


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When your lack of boundaries cause you to lose more than you realise

Uncategorized Sep 21, 2020

Do you know that you can tell a lot about a person by how they exercise boundaries or not? So for eg, if someone stands too close to you while talking to you, and this person is not your lover, partner, child, parent or sibling, this person is likely run by their inner child consciousness, most of the time.

It does not matter what the person's intention is, whether innocent intent or not, meaning that they do not get social context types of boundaries.

What does it mean to be run by one's...

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You cannot be right and love at the same time

I came across this quote this morning from Simon Sinek: Bad leaders care about who's right. Good leaders care about what's right.

People who care about being right can never be good leaders. Caring about what's right, however, keeps us open to the possibilities of solutions and what can work for the greater good.

I remember years ago living in a small neighbourhood near the Portsdown area here in Singapore, a group of us neighbours became good buddies, lunching together and doing things...

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Want true peace and happiness? Move from a fixed to a growth mindset

It's been said that you can't teach old dogs new tricks. As my dog gets older, he's behaving like an archetypal middle-aged man, grumpy and stubborn. People say that about people too that as we get older, we become fixed in our ways, but is this really true?

I would like to think that as people, we are better than that. 

Have you read the book Mindset? The book explains that there are two kinds of mindsets - the growth mindset and the fixed mindset. However, the fixed mindset can be...

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Pseudo Enlightenment and the Unhealed Teacher/Coach/Healer

One of the most dangerous/amusing things about the path of spirituality, or personal development, is when someone gets a small glimpse of the light (read: wisdom). They are suddenly aware of something, usually about the universe or the world, and they feel as if the world has opened up for them. They get excited as they perceive this light, and they think that others have not perceived this, so they go excitedly telling others about this.

If they are able to contain it, they may allow this...

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Obstacles to healing

One of the biggest obstacles to healing is when you're given a cookie-cutter answer or solution to something that is uniquely your experience. Have you ever experienced this?

Now, most of our problems are similar in the sense that there is a baseline in what kinds of thoughts/emotions surface in our experiences. However what makes us unique is how we experience our challenges, problems or trauma. We all carry different understanding, perspectives, and even our family background plays such an...

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The actual meaning behind self care

Whenever we say self-care, people tend to think, it's about sleeping in, eating well, not doing any work. 

Self-care is more than that. Self-care is also caring about what kinds of thoughts and emotions we allow ourselves to entertain and fester. 

If we entertain thoughts that are unhealthy for us, by focusing on the negatives about ourselves, about others and situations while lying in bed, that's not self-care. That's an even more toxic environment we have created for ourselves....

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The Season of Renewal

We have just entered a season of renewal. What does this mean?

It means that the past few months have been good at helping us to re-evaluate our lives, our priorities, our interests and so on. If you're still at the stage of re-evaluation, it is perfectly fine too, because this season of renewal is going to be with us for the next few months. Have you been feeling it?

The process of renewal is gradual, it is not as if we will hit a button and everything changes, we are spiritual beings...

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Self belief & our inner child

Yesterday I conducted a poll on my social media accounts. One question I asked is: Which is more difficult for you: A- saying no to other people or B-Believing in yourself. Majority of the respondents on Instagram chose: Believing in yourself.
Self-belief is one of the biggest hurdles we all need to cross. And when this part of the mental construct of our self is not complete, we will keep feeling handicapped.
So let's go back to basics.
For most of us...
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