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When we confuse patience with not doing anything...

Uncategorized Jun 07, 2021

I feel that one of the most misunderstood guidance we may have given to others is the idea of patience. Whenever we tell someone to have patience, they automatically relax and stop doing anything and they just wait for things to happen for them, or to them. 

I have lost count of the number of times I tell my clients or students to have patience, and then they stop what they are supposed to be doing. 

They feel defeated as if the results they want is too far away that they want to...

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The Lure Of Fast Tracks, Quick Fixes & Bypassing

Uncategorized May 31, 2021

We pay a premium just to get ahead. 

There's something so alluring about the idea of being on the fast track. At the airport, when the first and business class passengers are being called to board the plane, the rest from the cattle stall class have a look in our eyes. Sideglancing at those first class-ers, checking them out, and maybe even judging them.

The allure of the fast track in hotels, entertainment centres, clubs, amusement centres, restaurants, and more, promotes an air of...

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When someone triggers us, it is our own stuff and it is difficult to own them

Uncategorized May 24, 2021

This has got to be one of the most difficult lessons for all of us: being triggered and owning it. 

If we are honest with ourselves, and if we count the number of times we are triggered by people we love, our friends, things we read, people we see, and even strangers have tremendous power to trigger us. 

And all this time, we think that it is other people that are off and that they should change. Now granted, there are people who really need to change their behaviour but that is not...

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The Unhealed Child Mindset and what is it doing in the world these days....

Uncategorized May 17, 2021

It is so easy to fall into mass consciousness thinking and to go with the easy because it is automatic and doesn't require us to think or make a decision. There are good sides and not so good sides to this.

In order to grow as individuals, it is part of the process for us to know when to move out of mass thinking, come to our own conclusions and make our decisions from there. This is definitely the case when it comes to making our life's decisions. 

If you wish to develop a...

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Our struggle with Toxic Masculinity and Toxic Femininity

Uncategorized May 03, 2021

In my meditation several weeks ago, I experienced huge powerful mother energy above the Godhead, giving me the impression that the feminine or mother energies are all-pervading. That the Godhead energy is birthed by the feminine. 

To analyse this experience from a psychological perspective, and making it relatable to our every day, it is indeed true that the feminine is the holding energy for everything in which we wish to birth, manifest and create. We, whether men or women, must come...

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What if everything you thought to be true, turned out to be false?

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2021

We are living in interesting times. 

Whether we choose to sweep things under the carpet, hide behind our keyboards and live in a virtual world, or just plain resistance to change, we cannot deny that things are changing in the world, BIG TIME. 

Whether we believe it or not, whether we want to or not, it is changing. 

There is also a real possibility that everything that we have always thought to be true, is turning out to be false. These days, we have to be prepared for this -...

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Your spirit guide doesn't live in your halo, it is in your body

enlightenment unlearning Apr 19, 2021

As adults, in order to be healthy in body, mind and spirit, we have only one job to do: to unlearn the negative ideas, thoughts, behaviours that society has taught us, to unlearn and peel these layers away, to reveal the authentic you.

It is almost like being the pure, innocent self again, without diapers this time. And with the capacity to take care of self, take responsibilities and to do all these with the ability to have civic mindfulness, and selfless acts of courage, love and...

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Do you know that Fear always ensures its survival, what does that mean for you?

This quote says it all: 

Fear is afraid of itself
Which ensures that it never accepts itself
Which ensures that it always survives - Richard Rudd

In our journey of life to transcend fear, one of the biggest mistakes we make is to deny, avoid and run away from fear. 

We have been taught that if we do not think about it, or if we avoid it, it will go away. The thing is, it is not going to go away, not as long as most of humanity and mass consciousness is still run by fear...

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Are we waiting for people to f**k up?

Have you encountered people who are so focused on you and your faults, you feel as if they are constantly on the lookout for you to fail. It is as if they have made it their life purpose to do so. Or maybe you recognise this as a trait within yourself.

All of us have some of these critical fault-finder traits, but if we are so outer focused, we lose sight of what is truly important. 

Why do we do this -- focusing on other people, watching when they will fall, or f**k up, and hoping to...

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We weren't born to pay bills and then die

Uncategorized Mar 22, 2021

This quote has been used many times on quote memes, and they are all over the internet in different variations. I tried searching for the original author of this quote, but couldn't find it. Anyway, the truth in this statement will jolt some people awake.

Over the weekend, several people asked me through various channels how did I start on my spiritual path, the synchronicity in the timing of this question made me realise that perhaps it is time to share more about my journey. 

I was...

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