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Blog Posts

Tips on how to slow down even if the world around you is moving fast

We get caught up, all the time. 

When people around us push for things to move, we feel stressed by the push even if we are on track to hit whatever targets are set for us, so how do we slow down in these kinds of situations?

When we get caught in our loved one's dramas, and we take it all personally, we think it is about us, when it has nothing to do with us. We play into the drama and we hit back without pausing, only to regret it later.

When we get accosted by some salesperson...

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The Truth Is Hard To Swallow

Most People Don't Want The Truth. They Want Constant Reassurance That What They Believe Is The Truth. 

I do not know who the originator of this quote is, but I've seen it around a lot. I do not know what the intent of this quote is either so I will take it at face value -- and that in itself is a powerful statement. And in my experience as an intuitive life coach, it is true. 

Often times people come to me with their issues, problems, blocks and so on, and I would presume that they...

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Don't just do nothing. It is a big deal to live for yet another decade

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2019

A letter to the readers of my newsletter:

It took me a while to think about the article I wanted to write, as it is the last newsletter of the year. However, I am feeling differently about it now. So I decided to write you a letter instead.

You see, what has been troubling me is that I see so many well-known personalities in the world or influencers as it were, telling people all over social media that they do not need to do anything such as new year's resolutions, or new year plans. And that...

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Mindfulness – Is It The Same For Everyone?

As people already on the path of some sort of holistic health journey, do we yet know what is mindfulness. I think many of you reading this has tried meditation at least once in your life. And for many of you, meditation is a practice you are on daily.

For seasoned meditators, mindfulness is about one’s state of mind. For the spiritually ambitious (I know it’s odd to be spiritually ambitious, but it is a thing), mindfulness is a practice that you may take to help you to gain some...

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When Your Days Are Bleh

Remember the days when you feel just bleh.


Lacking lustre.

And you find it meaningless to do anything because you are not seeing the results you are expecting.

All you want to do is to crawl into bed and sleep the day away, hoping the mood will go away and tomorrow will be better. The thing is, it is not the day that is causing you to feel this way. 

It is you.

Remember these few words, which I tell my clients often: MOVEMENT IS LIFE. When we move — to do...

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Dealing With People We Do Not Like, In An Adult World

What if there are people we do not like whom we meet daily, they could be our bosses or people we work with. Here's something to ponder upon: if we do not like a person, someone we consider an acquaintance or a work colleague, it just means that we have taken the connection we have little too personally!

Think about it, if we were there to work, and if we take things too personally and allow our emotions to get in the way, we have allowed our emotions to make decisions for us. The trick in...

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The Inconveniences Of Life

Uncategorized Nov 25, 2019

Life is full of inconveniences, that goes without saying. And sometimes, we wish that they were not our inconveniences. 

Sometimes, people in our lives who are supposed to cooperate with us, to lighten each other's load, make life even more inconvenient for us, and we have to clean up their mess or deal with their mess because they have simply shirked responsibilities and do not care. 

It is frustrating if you're always on the receiving end, and you are always the one wanting to do...

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Is It Tough To Be In A Relationship While On The Spiritual Path (not the same as religious path)?

I received a really good question from my IG story and it says: Is it hard to be in a relationship as a spiritual teacher and energy healer?

So I would like to answer this question here, but tweak it so it is relatable to everyone, and not just for spiritual teachers or healers.

Well to begin, relationships are challenging in themselves. Especially romantic long term relationships. It is one of the hardest schools to be in when you're on the spiritual path, wanting to grow spiritually. 

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Do You Know Your Anger/Jealousy/Annoyance etc Can Make Your World Cave in?

Do you know that fear-based thoughts & emotions sabotage us daily? So what are fear-based thoughts and feelings? They are anything that is negative and not coming from a space of positivity, good or love. Some good examples are criticism, judgmental-ness, anger, sadness, jealousy, aggression, annoyance, anxiety, shame, emptiness, irritation, loneliness, pessimism, scepticism, worry and many more.

How do they sabotage us?

  • They compromise our immunity, because our thoughts and emotions...
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Fulfilling One's Life Purpose Is Not Only For Spiritual Reasons

life purpose Nov 04, 2019
Many people talk about the importance of fulfilling one’s life’s purpose from a spiritual slant. We all probably know the spiritual answer to why it is important to fulfil one’s purpose.
In this article, I like to keep the focus on the earthly aspects of why and how not fulfilling your life’s purpose can negatively affect you as a person.
If you look around you, how many people do you know are actually happy doing what they do and finding a greater...
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