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Don't complain about things you're not willing to change.

Since we are still in lockdown, I thought I would share a checklist of things you might find useful, and basically keep yourself in check!

Here's the checklist (not in any order of importance):

  1. Complaining that other people do not see the good in you when you are always critical of others.
  2. Complaining that you are not given credit for the work you have done when you do not give credit or praise to others for the work that they have done.
  3. Complaining that others do not love you the way you...
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May the NOW be with you

In my previous class on MIndfulness for Beginners last week, I talked about how we must not allow our thoughts to run us. And that there are thoughts that are real, and most are not because they are based on the past or a future fantasy. One participant asked me what is real then?

My response was: the only reality is that one second of reality, the NOW, whenever we are aware. That is reality. In that one second of reality, we have no fear, we have no stress, we only have the NOW in our...

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May you live like the lotus at ease in muddy water

It is going to be weeks and for some of us months before we are out of this lockdown. Some of us are enjoying it, while others are feeling frustrated, bitter, angry, depressed. One of the key triggers is the unknown -- not knowing when this will all end. The feeling that things are out of our hands. 

Even for those who are enjoying themselves at the beginning of the lockdown, gaming, Netflixing, and so on, it will get to a point of saturation. This is the innate human "mechanism",...

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Happy people build their inner world, unhappy people blame their outer world

Happy people build their inner world, unhappy people blame their outer world.

In our continuation of the theme of self-awareness / personal development during this pandemic, let us explore the theme of happiness. It is such a simple concept yet so difficult to achieve.

Remember, when we were young and we sang: When you're happy and you know it, clap your hands?

Such innocence. How have we lost it all?

Personally, I like the simple strategies of life: happy, laugh. Sad, cry. It doesn't have to...

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The virus is like our negative thoughts, infiltrating every aspect of our lives

I found this quote the other day:

Strength is what we gain from the madness we survive - unknown

And this is exactly where we are as a planet. This level of madness is where we are detached from it, yet involved in it. We are part of it. Yet, somehow we are onlookers and voyeurs, tracking the numbers, seeing how many more are being infected. And it is a reality we are all dealing with, worldwide. 

I'm not going to spill the same rhetoric as many other articles out there where I tell...

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Tips on self-awareness while you are stuck at home

In the coming weeks, not only will more of us be given the stay at home order, more cities will be in complete lockdown and quarantine. 

I've received many questions from people about this -- asking for a spiritual or higher reason to why this is happening. Whether there is a spiritual reason or not, is not as important as the reality that we are all asked to stay at home and to keep a distance from one another. 

Keeping a distance gives us all some space. 

Have we been so...

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Energy follows thought, is this true?

Heard of this saying energy follows thought?

It is with this saying that many people have learned on the path of personal development that they can create the life they want and that if they thought about it more and repeat the thought, the outcome they want will become a reality. 

But is this really true? 

Or is this some misguided information passed down by franchised motivational/personal development institutions as a money generating machine for their own pockets?

There is a...

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The Panic-demic shows where we are as a species

covid-19 mindfulness panic Mar 16, 2020

It has happened.

It is now a pandemic. I will be sharing some tips further down this article on how to keep ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually at an even keel during these challenging times.

And if we focus on the facts, we know that the mortality rate of Covid-19 as of 3 March, as estimated by WHO is 3.4%. By comparison, the common flu “has infected as many as 45 million Americans since October and killed as many as 46,000 according to estimates from the Center for Disease...

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The Decision Making Process

Making decisions is never easy and the worst thing is we are never taught how to make decisions. No one taught us this life skill as we are growing up. No one in school or at home taught us. We only learn through observation. And most of the time we observe people not knowing how to make a decision!

And one of the most ineffective processes is in the making of a pros and cons list! And this is one of the most popular ways in which people base their decisions on. 

So the most common...

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Your own energy body is your psychic

Thoughts are things. They are not just secret energies we keep in our heads. We create them, and we energise them, we allow them to torture us, or we allow them to nurture us. 

The thing is, we often forget that it is our thoughts that create how we feel, emotionally. We think that our emotions just come up randomly or that other people cause us to feel a certain way. In other words, emotions can be controlled by our thinking. 

As if we are not complicated enough, we have this thing...

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