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Blog Posts

Understanding Honesty: Why We Evade Truth in Relationships and How to Foster Openness

Relationships, the cornerstone of human connection, often face the challenge of dishonesty. Many individuals find themselves evading the truth or lying outright to their partners. But why? And how can we change this pattern? Let's delve deeper into the reasons and discover ways to nurture honesty.

The Roots of Dishonesty in Relationships:

Dodging Consequences: A common reason many choose to hide the truth is to avoid facing the outcomes. It's a protective mechanism, thinking if they don't...

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Human Whisperer, Part 2

The challenges of communication go deeper than just being an effective communicator. 

Everyone comes with their own load of stuff:

  • unhealed childhood issues, and doesn't even have to be big traumas. They could be unresolved sadness, unresolved anger, not being heard, not being seen etc
  • life experiences (vast or narrow determines a person's world views) If a person is well travelled and well-immersed multi-culturally, well read and has a deep level of self-awareness, how can you...
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Being A Human Whisperer

We have the Ghost Whisperer, Dog Whisperer, Cat Whisperer, and Horse Whisperer, but have we thought about being the Mother of all whisperers? The Human Whisperer? I know this sounds funny but it is the most basic life skill set we all must strive to possess. And we think that as humans, we know how to do this.

The number ONE challenge that almost all of my clients have is to be able to communicate effectively. Whether it is with their family, loved ones, colleagues, clients or subordinates,...

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Nature is speaking to you, are you listening?

Nature has a way of sending us messages and communicating with us if we see them as an extension of ourselves. 

The past week alone I had two encounters with birds. Almost all my life, birds have played a significant role in my life, as messengers, as hint givers. 

Some examples of these would be: from a bird flying into my home at 4 am to sing a song as an affirmative when I asked for a sign the night before about a decision; to flying into a food court where I was seated and then...

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