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When the solution is a simple thing called: Conscious Breathing

Breathing is an essential part of living, but have you ever thought about the stress-relieving benefits of conscious breathing? Many people are not aware of how focusing on their breath can bring clarity to their minds, especially in challenging situations. By taking deep breaths, you can rapidly oxygenate your brain and promote clearer thinking, which can help you find solutions to problems.

When we are stressed, our muscles become tense, making it difficult to take deep breaths. However, if...

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The Invisible has more power over us than we realise

We all feel emotions, and we all experience energy. But we cannot see them. They are invisible to us except when we express them through our bodies, we express them through our facial expressions, our demeanour, and our whole being.

We feel emotions in our hearts, we say, yet we know it is not our physical heart. We say we feel butterflies in our tummy, yet we know they are not coming from our physical stomach. We sometimes feel a lump in our throats when our emotions well up and we choke,...

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You never had control, all you had was anxiety

I came across this quote (by Elizabeth Gilbert) on socials yesterday:

You are afraid of surrender because you don't want to lose control. But you never had control; all you had was anxiety.

Isn't this just too true?

Whenever we face a challenge in our lives, whether it is work, our health, relationships or just life in general, we feel like it is so hard to surrender to what IS. And what is really in store for us, and we want to plan everything, we want to control everything. Because we...

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Your own energy body is your psychic

Thoughts are things. They are not just secret energies we keep in our heads. We create them, and we energise them, we allow them to torture us, or we allow them to nurture us. 

The thing is, we often forget that it is our thoughts that create how we feel, emotionally. We think that our emotions just come up randomly or that other people cause us to feel a certain way. In other words, emotions can be controlled by our thinking. 

As if we are not complicated enough, we have this thing...

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Our addiction to suffering

What if all of us were made with a fixed blueprint and that life is not such a mystery? What if each of us came with this map of our blueprint that tells us exactly how we should navigate in this world? What if we knew exactly what are our strengths, weaknesses and exactly how to work with them?

If you had all of this information, how do you think you would operate?

The thing with us humans is that even if we were given all of these, there's a chance that we would veer away from the...

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Tips on how to slow down even if the world around you is moving fast

We get caught up, all the time. 

When people around us push for things to move, we feel stressed by the push even if we are on track to hit whatever targets are set for us, so how do we slow down in these kinds of situations?

When we get caught in our loved one's dramas, and we take it all personally, we think it is about us, when it has nothing to do with us. We play into the drama and we hit back without pausing, only to regret it later.

When we get accosted by some salesperson...

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