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Blog Posts

If You Are Looking For Security, Living A Purposeful Life Is Not For You

Uncategorized Jan 09, 2023

If you're looking for security in life, you might be hesitant to pursue a purposeful one. After all, living a purposeful life means chasing something that gives you personal value and allows you to make a difference in the world, often in uncharted territory. This can be intimidating and may not give you the security you want. But it's important to remember that true security comes from within and through a connection with a higher power, not from external sources.

When we rely on external...

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When Your Failures Are Only In Your Mind

Uncategorized Dec 19, 2022

All of us see failures differently. Some of us imagine them or think we are experiencing them even before they happen. Others refuse to acknowledge that things are not working and they are not prepared to face reality.

I have noticed that for some of my clients when their self-esteem is affected by events in their lives or there is a change in circumstances, these things may have rocked the foundation of their lives. They will feel like they are no longer on track, and so it is easy...

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Freedom To Be Authentic

One of the most valuable gifts we can give ourselves is the freedom to be our authentic selves. There are many points of argument on what is the Authentic Self.

Some may say it is the freedom to be whatever they want to be...

Others say it is to be aligned with one's soul and to be that soul on earth without conforming to the pressures and cookie-cutter uniformity of society...

And there are others who say that being the Authentic Self is to be faithful to one's inner...

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When You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

Whenever I tell people that I send out articles to those on my mailing list at least once a week, they are fascinated by it. The next question they ask is:

They: Do you write the content yourself? 

Me: Yes.

They: How do you find the time?

Me: I make time

They: Wow. I have difficulty writing content and don't have the time for it.

Me: I do what do because I gotta do what I gotta do

So why do I write these articles week after week? As a therapist, not only do I serve my paying clients, I...

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When People Have A Habit Of Letting You Down, What Can You Do?

You may have read articles or books that tell you to remove yourself from people who have made it a habit of letting you down. Yes, we all know this in our heads and hearts. But the reality is, there are some circumstances in life, where you may be torn as to whether you should remove yourself or the other person from your life. For example, it can be a business partner, a colleague, a parent, a sibling, a spouse, or an ex whom you share children with.

What can you do in these circumstances?

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Human Whisperer, Part 2

The challenges of communication go deeper than just being an effective communicator. 

Everyone comes with their own load of stuff:

  • unhealed childhood issues, and doesn't even have to be big traumas. They could be unresolved sadness, unresolved anger, not being heard, not being seen etc
  • life experiences (vast or narrow determines a person's world views) If a person is well travelled and well-immersed multi-culturally, well read and has a deep level of self-awareness, how can you...
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Being A Human Whisperer

We have the Ghost Whisperer, Dog Whisperer, Cat Whisperer, and Horse Whisperer, but have we thought about being the Mother of all whisperers? The Human Whisperer? I know this sounds funny but it is the most basic life skill set we all must strive to possess. And we think that as humans, we know how to do this.

The number ONE challenge that almost all of my clients have is to be able to communicate effectively. Whether it is with their family, loved ones, colleagues, clients or subordinates,...

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The Invisible has more power over us than we realise

We all feel emotions, and we all experience energy. But we cannot see them. They are invisible to us except when we express them through our bodies, we express them through our facial expressions, our demeanour, and our whole being.

We feel emotions in our hearts, we say, yet we know it is not our physical heart. We say we feel butterflies in our tummy, yet we know they are not coming from our physical stomach. We sometimes feel a lump in our throats when our emotions well up and we choke,...

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The Magic Formula For More Life, More Good & More Energy

Uncategorized Oct 31, 2022

Don't we all wish to have more energy, more life and more good experiences? But as we get older, we may find that we seem to be experiencing less and less energy. But it really doesn't have to be so.

I am always asked this question, how do you manage to keep up and have so much energy -- doing so much, and doing what you do? Let me share my little secret with you,

I have lived by this simple formula for decades now. This magic formula has helped me to have more energy, handle many things...

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The I KNOW Syndrome and How It Is Making Us Foolish and Stupid

Uncategorized Oct 17, 2022

My teenage daughter for a period of time kept saying I KNOW, whenever I told her something. Or if I saw that she was out of line I would say something and she says in an agitated tone, "I KNOW", followed by "I'm sorry", just to cut me off.

I responded immediately: It is not enough to say sorry, you say sorry all the time but you still do not do the right thing. If you are really sorry then do the right thing. Plus saying I KNOW only makes you foolish because you will cut people...

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