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Blog Posts

The Many Faces of Empathy: How to Spot the Difference Between Genuine and Performative Care

Empathy is a powerful force that connects us to one another. It's the ability to step into someone else's shoes, feel their pain, and offer support. However, not all empathy is created equal. While some people naturally feel deep, genuine empathy, others might put on a show of empathy for self-centred reasons. This performative empathy is more about gaining attention, admiration, or social approval than truly understanding and caring for others.

What Is Genuine Empathy?

True empathy comes...

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Thriving in an Emotionally Immature Society as an Emotionally Mature Individual

In a world where emotional maturity is not always the norm, those who have reached a higher level of emotional intelligence can sometimes feel like outsiders. Emotional maturity involves a deep understanding of oneself, the ability to regulate emotions, maintain patience, and exhibit empathy and understanding towards others. However, living in a society that often values quick reactions, and superficial connections, and avoids deep introspection can pose unique challenges for emotionally...

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Breaking the Cycle: Understanding and Overcoming Toxic Relationship Patterns

The Hidden Trap of Toxic Relationships
Imagine a dance where the steps are a mixture of passion and pain, drawing you in, yet pushing you away. This is the essence of toxic relationships, a cycle of co-dependence and conflict that many find themselves trapped in. Understanding these cycles is not just about recognizing a pattern; it's about unlocking the door to personal growth and healthier relationships.

Co-Dependence: The Core of Toxicity
At the core of many toxic relationships is...

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What's The Difference Between Self Love & Narcissistic Love?

In the world of spiritual and new-age pursuits, the concept of self-love is often revered as a vital ingredient for inner peace and enlightenment. This emphasis on loving oneself is seen as a pathway to higher consciousness and a deeper connection with the universe. However, in this journey of self-love, a crucial element is frequently overlooked: the role of self-awareness and the thin line that separates genuine self-love from veiled narcissism. In this exploration, we will dig deep into...

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The Danger of Denial: How Pretending Everything is Normal Can Lead to Mental Disorders

In the vast expanse of human emotions, there exists a silent but potent enemy: denial.

It's a defence mechanism that many of us employ, often subconsciously, to shield ourselves from painful realities. The quote, "One of the easiest ways to fall into the trap of mental disorder is to be in a state of denial and pretending everything is normal," sheds light on this perilous path. Let's delve deeper into the implications of this statement and understand why denial can be so detrimental to our...

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The Power of Emotional Experiences: Cultivating Growth and Seeking Support

Emotional experiences have the incredible power to shape our lives, fostering personal growth, self-discovery, and healing. In this blog article, we will explore the transformative potential of emotional experiences, emphasizing the importance of embracing emotions, seeking support, and nurturing our journey of growth and self-realization. By harnessing the power of our emotions, we can unlock profound insights and pave the way for positive transformation.

Understanding the Transformative...

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The Simple Steps to Self-Awareness: Becoming a Works-in-Progress Enlightened Human Being

Embrace self-awareness by taking a few simple steps to transform your life and become the best version of yourself.

Are you ready to discover the path to enlightenment and become the best version of yourself? In this article, we will explore what it means to be truly human and the choices we have to elevate ourselves to a higher level of being. Becoming an enlightened human being is a journey that involves transforming the way we think, speak, and behave.

Many of the pointers below relate...

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May you live like the lotus at ease in muddy water

It is going to be weeks and for some of us months before we are out of this lockdown. Some of us are enjoying it, while others are feeling frustrated, bitter, angry, depressed. One of the key triggers is the unknown -- not knowing when this will all end. The feeling that things are out of our hands. 

Even for those who are enjoying themselves at the beginning of the lockdown, gaming, Netflixing, and so on, it will get to a point of saturation. This is the innate human "mechanism",...

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Happy people build their inner world, unhappy people blame their outer world

Happy people build their inner world, unhappy people blame their outer world.

In our continuation of the theme of self-awareness / personal development during this pandemic, let us explore the theme of happiness. It is such a simple concept yet so difficult to achieve.

Remember, when we were young and we sang: When you're happy and you know it, clap your hands?

Such innocence. How have we lost it all?

Personally, I like the simple strategies of life: happy, laugh. Sad, cry. It doesn't have to...

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Tips on self-awareness while you are stuck at home

In the coming weeks, not only will more of us be given the stay at home order, more cities will be in complete lockdown and quarantine. 

I've received many questions from people about this -- asking for a spiritual or higher reason to why this is happening. Whether there is a spiritual reason or not, is not as important as the reality that we are all asked to stay at home and to keep a distance from one another. 

Keeping a distance gives us all some space. 

Have we been so...

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