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Blog Posts

The Many Faces of Empathy: How to Spot the Difference Between Genuine and Performative Care

Empathy is a powerful force that connects us to one another. It's the ability to step into someone else's shoes, feel their pain, and offer support. However, not all empathy is created equal. While some people naturally feel deep, genuine empathy, others might put on a show of empathy for self-centred reasons. This performative empathy is more about gaining attention, admiration, or social approval than truly understanding and caring for others.

What Is Genuine Empathy?

True empathy comes...

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Are you addicted to running away from pain?

The madness, the division, the hate, the ignorant, the misinformation, the addiction to cyber reality, the disconnect, the lure of the fake, the drugs that numb -- these are all removing us, step by step away from our humanity, our human-ness. 

It is better to be messy with all the emotions and deep pain than to be removed from them in delusionary and illusionary ways because without our human emotions and our human connection, this will lead us further away from our soul and our...

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Compassion Is Not Some Motherly Care & Love

In my last blog article, I talked about Compassion as a superpower, so what exactly do I mean?

For most people, when we mention Compassion, they immediately think of the archetypal energies of religious figures such as Mother Mary or Kuan Yin, and usually, compassion is associated with female and mother figures. This can be a problem if as a male, you find that you have not gotten in touch with your own yin energies and so you might tend to see compassion as a form of weakness. Or if you're a...

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Why Must We Suffer - Shamala Tan, Spiritual Coach/Healer

The very first thing we must get right within our own mindsets when we are suffering is that it is not personal. I know, this sounds oxymoronic, because the experience of suffering is really so personal!

We feel so attacked by life, by people, by circumstances and everything around us. 

Why do I say not to take it personally? We suffer to acknowledge several things -- to acknowledge our humane-ness with the rest of the human race, and to develop the ultimate superpower of...

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