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Why Healthy Relationships Are So Complex for Wounded People

The Universal Touch of Trauma

Trauma is something that many of us face in life. It can be a small letdown or a big shock. The bigger the hurt, the tougher it can be to get close to others. This is extra hard for people who have deep emotional scars because they might find it hard to trust and open up to others.

The Struggle for Connection Amidst Trauma

When bad things happen, they can mess with our heads and hearts. This makes it tough to build strong and healthy friendships or relationships....

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Uncovering Trauma Responses: The Path to Spiritual Progress

How to Face Your Trauma Responses with Love and Courage

Most people are not aware of the trauma that they are carrying within, and more often than not, people brush them off as something they experienced, and they think it is normal. While it is common, it does not mean that it is healthy.

Trauma can be a heavy burden that we carry with us, often long after the actual event has passed. It can affect us in ways that we may not even be aware of, hindering our spiritual progress and preventing...

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Until a person heals themselves, they will be toxic to everyone who tries to love them.

Only hurt people hurt people, as the saying goes. People who say hurtful things to you whether intentionally or unintentionally come from a place of pain. BUT, it is also important that we check inwards to see if we have projected our pain onto them.

When I work with my clients, one of the first things we do is to turn inward to empower self i.e. the client. People may have said or done hurtful things to them, but ultimately it is the healing process that is the focus.  So likewise, in...

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