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Understanding the Nervous System: How It Affects Your Emotions and Mental Health

Our bodies are like complex machines, with each part playing an important role in keeping us healthy and happy. One of the most important parts of our body, though often overlooked, is the nervous system. This system is like the control centre of our body, affecting not only how we move and function but also how we feel emotionally and mentally. By learning a bit about how the nervous system works, we can better understand why we feel the way we do and how to take care of our emotional and...

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Breaking Free from Grudges: Embracing Inner Peace

 We often find ourselves holding onto grudges, unable to forgive either ourselves or others. This strange attachment can become a significant burden in our lives. Holding onto past hurts and resentment only keeps us trapped in a cycle of negativity. It’s important to understand that letting go of grudges is not about condoning the wrongs done to us but about freeing ourselves from the chains of bitterness and anger.

The Imaginary High Ground

Our sense of righteousness can make us...

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The Hidden Struggle: Unawareness of Survival Mode

In our modern, high-speed world, many individuals remain unaware that they are entrenched in a state of "survival mode." Disconnected or dissociated from their stress or anxiety levels, their bodies often manifest physical symptoms such as aches, pains, headaches, skin issues, or even chronic conditions. This state, characterized by constant alertness for potential threats—physical, emotional, or psychological—leads to increased stress, anxiety, and exhaustion.

While this...

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Embracing the Unseen Scars: Understanding Our Pain

The Weight of Dismissal

In the journey of healing, a profound truth often goes unrecognized: the dismissal of our deepest wounds can be as scarring as the trauma itself. This insight, echoing through the realms of emotional and spiritual healing, reminds us that the path to recovery encompasses not only the traumatic events but also the layers of neglect endured thereafter. When our experiences are invalidated and our voices stifled, we face a dual challenge: healing from the event and the...

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"Avoidance Is Just Prolonged Suffering Disguised As Safety"

 Avoidance—a term that often carries a hint of judgement, suggesting a lack of courage or determination. Yet, it's a common response that transcends age, background, and experience. Why do we avoid it? Is it fear, discomfort, or perhaps the allure of a temporary haven? This guide isn't about chastising avoidance but understanding and overcoming it for a more fulfilling life.

 The Myth of Safety in Avoidance

We've all been there. A difficult conversation, a daunting task, or a...

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Staying Steady: Mastering Your Response to Anger Around You

Growing up in a household where the sound of a raised voice wasn't out of the ordinary might have taught you some complex lessons about anger. Perhaps you learned to identify the subtle signs that an outburst was imminent, or maybe you became an expert at navigating the emotional minefields that littered your home. As a result, you might find yourself unusually attuned to the anger of others now that you're an adult.

But here's the thing: that hyper-awareness can sometimes leave you feeling...

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The Danger of Denial: How Pretending Everything is Normal Can Lead to Mental Disorders

In the vast expanse of human emotions, there exists a silent but potent enemy: denial.

It's a defence mechanism that many of us employ, often subconsciously, to shield ourselves from painful realities. The quote, "One of the easiest ways to fall into the trap of mental disorder is to be in a state of denial and pretending everything is normal," sheds light on this perilous path. Let's delve deeper into the implications of this statement and understand why denial can be so detrimental to our...

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Inner Healing and Personal Growth: Why You Can't Fix Yourself by Breaking Others

In the private moments of our lives, we all grapple with hidden battles. Emotional pain, past traumas, and inner child wounds from our childhood often weigh us down in ways that aren't immediately apparent to others. At the heart of these struggles is the pivotal realization for inner healing: you can't solve your problems by hurting or projecting pain onto someone else.

Many people, in an unconscious bid for relief, transfer their own pain onto others when navigating tumultuous times. This...

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"There is something deeply hypocritical about praying for a problem you are unwilling to resolve."

Mental health is at an all-time low as a collective in the world. 

For spiritual people, I have found this to be the most troubling: our spiritual practice/tradition/culture has given us space to bypass mental health needs with spiritual quick fixes (either by praying your problems away or meditating them away). And if we are honest with ourselves, they don't go away no matter how much we pray or meditate about it. 

Then what is it that we really need to do: Face them, of...

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