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Blog Posts

The Illusion of Control: Why Managing Others' Feelings Is About Us, Not Them

Understanding Emotional Boundaries

In our interpersonal relationships, the impulse to manage the emotional climate is a common trait. We strive for harmony, often believing that if we can keep others happy, our lives will be smoother. Yet, this inclination to control can be a double-edged sword, affecting our well-being and personal growth. Emotional boundaries are the invisible lines we draw to protect our sense of self and autonomy. They help us recognize where we end and another person...

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Understanding the Impact of Habits on Our Relationships, Work, and More

When we think about habits, our minds often jump to negative ones like drinking, smoking, or overeating. But if we take a moment to reflect, we'll realize that everything we do is a habit. Procrastination is a habit, wealth is a habit, poverty is a habit, and even our health is a habit.

Our habits originate from our thoughts, which then affect our actions and behaviors. So if there's a part of ourselves that we want to change but find ourselves repeating the same pattern, we need to change...

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Uncovering Trauma Responses: The Path to Spiritual Progress

How to Face Your Trauma Responses with Love and Courage

Most people are not aware of the trauma that they are carrying within, and more often than not, people brush them off as something they experienced, and they think it is normal. While it is common, it does not mean that it is healthy.

Trauma can be a heavy burden that we carry with us, often long after the actual event has passed. It can affect us in ways that we may not even be aware of, hindering our spiritual progress and preventing...

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The Poison Of Resentment

Resentment is basically poison that we feed ourselves overtime to kill ourselves emotionally, mentally, spiritually and eventually physically. We think that it is other people's fault when we are resentful towards them, we feel that they are the cause of our resentment, and we want them to change. 

The deep anger, frustration, and sense of being helpless when it comes to one's relationship with another create such toxic vibes that they linger for a long time.

Every time there is...

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The Emotional Imaginary Battle We Have With Others

Ever experienced a time when you felt emotionally small, or emotionally big? I’m sure you have. This may be something that most people experience with certain people only.
There are some who are under the emotional grasp of their parents, who still feel like a child whenever they are with their parents, even though they are grown, adults. Every little thing said to them will trigger a small child feeling, and a need to be obedient or rebellious, submissive or aggressive, I think...
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