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Unmasking Your Inner Saboteur: Conquering Spiritual Excuses and Embracing Success

Many spiritual seekers often use spiritual excuses to avoid taking action towards their goals or facing their shadow selves. These excuses can be so convincing that they prevent us from realizing our true potential and living the life we desire.

We will examine some common spiritual excuses and the underlying realities behind them so that we can recognize and confront our shadow selves and move towards a more fulfilling life. So, let's dive in and explore.

We may know that there is certain...

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The Simple Steps to Self-Awareness: Becoming a Works-in-Progress Enlightened Human Being

Embrace self-awareness by taking a few simple steps to transform your life and become the best version of yourself.

Are you ready to discover the path to enlightenment and become the best version of yourself? In this article, we will explore what it means to be truly human and the choices we have to elevate ourselves to a higher level of being. Becoming an enlightened human being is a journey that involves transforming the way we think, speak, and behave.

Many of the pointers below relate...

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We Cannot Pray In Love & Live In Hate

Have you ever known someone who goes to church every Sunday, but still treats others with cruelty and disrespect? Or, maybe you've heard of someone who meditates daily but struggles with self-love and low self-esteem.

This is because loving energy and religious/spiritual practice do not always align.

We often associate prayer with religious institutions or acts of worship, but it can also be defined as an attempt to connect with a higher power or achieve a life goal. This includes...

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The Having & Being Of Human-ness

I love this funny yet wise quote:

Monkeys are superior to men in this - When a monkey looks into a mirror, he sees a monkey. ~ Malcolm de Chazal.

Interpret it in whatever way we want. But we can't deny that this quote is saying that a monkey only sees a monkey in the mirror but if we give a man/woman a mirror, he/she would see more than a man/woman.

We have judgments, pre-conceived ideas, interpretations of what if/what is supposed to be and so on. We make things complicated for ourselves...

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Living THE Meaningful Life You Want

Almost everyone I meet wants to live a life of meaning. They feel dissatisfied if there is no meaning to whatever they do, and of course, it is perfectly valid to feel this way. This explains the high turnover rate in some industries, where the staff find it difficult to justify them being there.

There are of course circumstances well beyond the control of individuals where they need the job and the purpose for being there is to feed themselves and their families. And for them, the...

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Do you know that Fear always ensures its survival, what does that mean for you?

This quote says it all: 

Fear is afraid of itself
Which ensures that it never accepts itself
Which ensures that it always survives - Richard Rudd

In our journey of life to transcend fear, one of the biggest mistakes we make is to deny, avoid and run away from fear. 

We have been taught that if we do not think about it, or if we avoid it, it will go away. The thing is, it is not going to go away, not as long as most of humanity and mass consciousness is still run by fear...

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The more we heal, the more choices we have

Most of us do not realise how liberating it is to heal. 

I'm not talking just about healing our physical being, healing must take place in our emotional/mental selves, and spiritual selves as well. The reason why most of us do not see the importance of healing our other mental, emotional and spiritual being is because we do not see how limited we really are without healing. 

When we are physically injured or when we are ill, we are so aware that our movements are limited. Our...

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