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Blog Posts

The Truth Is Hard To Swallow

Most People Don't Want The Truth. They Want Constant Reassurance That What They Believe Is The Truth. 

I do not know who the originator of this quote is, but I've seen it around a lot. I do not know what the intent of this quote is either so I will take it at face value -- and that in itself is a powerful statement. And in my experience as an intuitive life coach, it is true. 

Often times people come to me with their issues, problems, blocks and so on, and I would presume that they...

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Dealing With People We Do Not Like, In An Adult World

What if there are people we do not like whom we meet daily, they could be our bosses or people we work with. Here's something to ponder upon: if we do not like a person, someone we consider an acquaintance or a work colleague, it just means that we have taken the connection we have little too personally!

Think about it, if we were there to work, and if we take things too personally and allow our emotions to get in the way, we have allowed our emotions to make decisions for us. The trick in...

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Is It Tough To Be In A Relationship While On The Spiritual Path (not the same as religious path)?

I received a really good question from my IG story and it says: Is it hard to be in a relationship as a spiritual teacher and energy healer?

So I would like to answer this question here, but tweak it so it is relatable to everyone, and not just for spiritual teachers or healers.

Well to begin, relationships are challenging in themselves. Especially romantic long term relationships. It is one of the hardest schools to be in when you're on the spiritual path, wanting to grow spiritually. 

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Do You Know Your Anger/Jealousy/Annoyance etc Can Make Your World Cave in?

Do you know that fear-based thoughts & emotions sabotage us daily? So what are fear-based thoughts and feelings? They are anything that is negative and not coming from a space of positivity, good or love. Some good examples are criticism, judgmental-ness, anger, sadness, jealousy, aggression, annoyance, anxiety, shame, emptiness, irritation, loneliness, pessimism, scepticism, worry and many more.

How do they sabotage us?

  • They compromise our immunity, because our thoughts and emotions...
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When Change Is Painful But Being Stuck Is More Painful

We have all been there. We are so resistant to change because it seems so troublesome. It costs too much. It is too disruptive. It is going to hurt some people. Our lives may even be turned upside down.

Yet we feel so stuck, without the change.

We are more resistant to the change if we feel that we can live with the status quo. We take these measurements in our minds, and we weigh the pros and the cons to the changes, and our hearts tell us that it is ok to let things be.

But we know that the...

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The Shadow That Lurks

What is the shadow self?

In simple terms: this is a part of us that we cannot see, it lurks in the shadows and it has so much power that it can compel you to do, feel and think things without your conscious mind having any control over it. Within the shadow are both good and bad aspects of you. So for eg, you could be an extremely talented pianist, but because it is lurking in the shadows you have no idea of your abilities, and you only listen to other parts of the shadow that says...

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When We Attack Others, We Are Showing Our Inadequacies

Ever encountered people whose personality is all about attacking others and being aggressive, even to their loved ones? And it seemed as if all they want to do is to win or be one-up against you, it is a constant imagery competition for their lower ego. 
Or the friend who constantly feels a need to point out your mistakes without you asking them to be your accountability partner. Or worse still, to have the permission of an accountability partner to point out to them their...
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