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Blog Posts

When You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do

Whenever I tell people that I send out articles to those on my mailing list at least once a week, they are fascinated by it. The next question they ask is:

They: Do you write the content yourself? 

Me: Yes.

They: How do you find the time?

Me: I make time

They: Wow. I have difficulty writing content and don't have the time for it.

Me: I do what do because I gotta do what I gotta do

So why do I write these articles week after week? As a therapist, not only do I serve my paying clients, I...

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Dealing With People We Do Not Like, In An Adult World

What if there are people we do not like whom we meet daily, they could be our bosses or people we work with. Here's something to ponder upon: if we do not like a person, someone we consider an acquaintance or a work colleague, it just means that we have taken the connection we have little too personally!

Think about it, if we were there to work, and if we take things too personally and allow our emotions to get in the way, we have allowed our emotions to make decisions for us. The trick in...

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