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Blog Posts

Know Who You Are: Reclaiming Your Truth

Ever found yourself scrolling through social media, thinking, “Wait, am I supposed to be like that?” You know the feeling—those moments when everyone seems to have a strong opinion on who you should be. They tell you how to dress, how to act, and even how to think. Before you know it, you're morphing into someone else’s idea of "you," like a chameleon without the cool colour-changing powers.

But here’s the truth: when you don’t truly know who you are, other...

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When We Attack Others, We Are Showing Our Inadequacies

Ever encountered people whose personality is all about attacking others and being aggressive, even to their loved ones? And it seemed as if all they want to do is to win or be one-up against you, it is a constant imagery competition for their lower ego. 
Or the friend who constantly feels a need to point out your mistakes without you asking them to be your accountability partner. Or worse still, to have the permission of an accountability partner to point out to them their...
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