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Energy follows thought, is this true?

Heard of this saying energy follows thought?

It is with this saying that many people have learned on the path of personal development that they can create the life they want and that if they thought about it more and repeat the thought, the outcome they want will become a reality. 

But is this really true? 

Or is this some misguided information passed down by franchised motivational/personal development institutions as a money generating machine for their own pockets?

There is a...

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The Panic-demic shows where we are as a species

covid-19 mindfulness panic Mar 16, 2020

It has happened.

It is now a pandemic. I will be sharing some tips further down this article on how to keep ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually at an even keel during these challenging times.

And if we focus on the facts, we know that the mortality rate of Covid-19 as of 3 March, as estimated by WHO is 3.4%. By comparison, the common flu “has infected as many as 45 million Americans since October and killed as many as 46,000 according to estimates from the Center for Disease...

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The Decision Making Process

Making decisions is never easy and the worst thing is we are never taught how to make decisions. No one taught us this life skill as we are growing up. No one in school or at home taught us. We only learn through observation. And most of the time we observe people not knowing how to make a decision!

And one of the most ineffective processes is in the making of a pros and cons list! And this is one of the most popular ways in which people base their decisions on. 

So the most common...

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Your own energy body is your psychic

Thoughts are things. They are not just secret energies we keep in our heads. We create them, and we energise them, we allow them to torture us, or we allow them to nurture us. 

The thing is, we often forget that it is our thoughts that create how we feel, emotionally. We think that our emotions just come up randomly or that other people cause us to feel a certain way. In other words, emotions can be controlled by our thinking. 

As if we are not complicated enough, we have this thing...

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Our Insecurities Distort Everything About The World


Everyone suffers from this, at one time (read: teens) of their lives or another. Others struggle with this daily, and for some, never grow out of them.

It is a daily struggle where the mind tortures the personality, fills the mind with all kinds of thoughts, from how they look, how they dress, what people think of them, to one of the worst dark holes: comparison of self with others which can send the personality to spin out of control. 

When it is out...

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When Fear Is Our Comfort Zone

Remember some months back when I did a series of articles on the lower ego? If you missed out on them, below are links for you to get to them, but first I like you to finish reading this one. 

Right now, many people are facing fears on the personal level, community level, country-level as well as on the global level. These fears remind us of how not in control we really are in the grand scheme of things. Yet, it is within this same mind space that we keep feeding the fears. Our neurosis*...

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Our addiction to suffering

What if all of us were made with a fixed blueprint and that life is not such a mystery? What if each of us came with this map of our blueprint that tells us exactly how we should navigate in this world? What if we knew exactly what are our strengths, weaknesses and exactly how to work with them?

If you had all of this information, how do you think you would operate?

The thing with us humans is that even if we were given all of these, there's a chance that we would veer away from the...

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Tips on how to slow down even if the world around you is moving fast

We get caught up, all the time. 

When people around us push for things to move, we feel stressed by the push even if we are on track to hit whatever targets are set for us, so how do we slow down in these kinds of situations?

When we get caught in our loved one's dramas, and we take it all personally, we think it is about us, when it has nothing to do with us. We play into the drama and we hit back without pausing, only to regret it later.

When we get accosted by some salesperson...

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The Truth Is Hard To Swallow

Most People Don't Want The Truth. They Want Constant Reassurance That What They Believe Is The Truth. 

I do not know who the originator of this quote is, but I've seen it around a lot. I do not know what the intent of this quote is either so I will take it at face value -- and that in itself is a powerful statement. And in my experience as an intuitive life coach, it is true. 

Often times people come to me with their issues, problems, blocks and so on, and I would presume that they...

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Don't just do nothing. It is a big deal to live for yet another decade

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2019

A letter to the readers of my newsletter:

It took me a while to think about the article I wanted to write, as it is the last newsletter of the year. However, I am feeling differently about it now. So I decided to write you a letter instead.

You see, what has been troubling me is that I see so many well-known personalities in the world or influencers as it were, telling people all over social media that they do not need to do anything such as new year's resolutions, or new year plans. And that...

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