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Blog Posts

The Poison Of Resentment

Resentment is basically poison that we feed ourselves overtime to kill ourselves emotionally, mentally, spiritually and eventually physically. We think that it is other people's fault when we are resentful towards them, we feel that they are the cause of our resentment, and we want them to change. 

The deep anger, frustration, and sense of being helpless when it comes to one's relationship with another create such toxic vibes that they linger for a long time.

Every time there is...

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Are you a people pleaser?

Uncategorized Feb 28, 2022

Being a people pleaser for most happens on an unconscious level, and we do it sometimes due to "survival". However, this can lead to lots of toxic situations and is not necessarily healthy, especially if we are unaware. 

On the path of personal development, the key to growth is always self-awareness. But I would like to point out that being aware and actually doing the healing are two different things. Some may be aware and think they are healed, but they are not quite the same thing....

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The Split

Uncategorized Feb 21, 2022

Before I begin sharing: I want to say that for some of you -- this article is not going to make any sense, for others, it will mean a lot. If you know, you would know.

The world is splitting into many realities and moving into multidimensional shifts. And the two most obvious splits would be the divide between the awakened and the un-awakened. 

What this means is that it is now time for those who are awakened to continue on their journey and work on how they can rebuild a new life with...

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The Lower Ego's Resistance To Cutting Losses

Uncategorized Jan 10, 2022

I saw a quote today that says: It is easier to fool someone, than to convince them they have been fooled.

This works in exactly the same way in our inner dialogue, in our inner world. Our minds are so complex that they can easily fool us into believing something, for eg. If we believe that person X is a nice person, we will only see how nice the person is, even if the person is being abusive to us. A part of us is afraid to admit that we have been abused, and we remain there allowing abuse to...

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Do you recognise your own photo without that damn beauty filter?

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2022

As we enter into a challenging phase of humanity's evolution, many of us will call into question things we thought we knew, appreciate, love, etc And we may start questioning and changing our minds about everything we thought we knew. When you face these things, know that it is okay, it is all part of the evolutionary process you are going through on a personal level. 

Hanging on to something because your ego cannot let go, to protect your pride, your decision, your knowledge, your...

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Why adaptability and fluidity are vital in today's context

Uncategorized Dec 13, 2021

 Never has it been so obvious that we are living in two complete realities in the current world situation. 

One group, which is the majority of the people on earth -- they are living life as if nothing has happened. They got their vaccines, and they have their "freedom" as they go about dining, shopping, and travelling. 

The second group, the minority who are vaccine free, have their movements completely curtailed, they are restricted from dining out, going into malls, in some...

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Are you addicted to running away from pain?

The madness, the division, the hate, the ignorant, the misinformation, the addiction to cyber reality, the disconnect, the lure of the fake, the drugs that numb -- these are all removing us, step by step away from our humanity, our human-ness. 

It is better to be messy with all the emotions and deep pain than to be removed from them in delusionary and illusionary ways because without our human emotions and our human connection, this will lead us further away from our soul and our...

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When Deceit, Betrayal & Lack of Ethics are Normalised

Uncategorized Nov 15, 2021

I feel, for the most part, all of us strive to be good people. I do not believe that anyone would purposely set out to be a bad person. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm naive to believe this.

But I do believe that when situations and circumstances are set up in such a way that pressurises someone, and if their moral compass doesn't work very well, then there is a high chance that they will cave. 

They cave in by giving themselves excuses that what they do is right, and they have legit...

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I invite to you join us collectively to be a Force For Good Intentions

Uncategorized Nov 12, 2021

Dear friend,

I would like to extend an invitation to you: to join us as a collective Force For Good in an upcoming zoom meeting. 

We sense and see a lot of evil happening in the world right now. I usually do not use the word evil to describe things, but there is so much that is happening in the world right now, that I can only describe it as evil. 

Because of this, a collective Force For Good would help us to feel more united and together as we move through one of the most...

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Self Honesty and the role it plays in our physical health

Uncategorized Nov 08, 2021

Most people do not see the connection between our self-honesty and the role it plays in our physical well being. 

If I have to make a guess, I presume most people know by now that our physical health is not just a physical thing. Besides what we already know -- good diet, exercise, etc, our mental and emotional and spiritual well being hold fundamental keys to our physical health. 

One of the biggest blocks for most people towards better well being is the lack of self-honesty....

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