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Blog Posts

The I KNOW Syndrome and How It Is Making Us Foolish and Stupid

Uncategorized Oct 17, 2022

My teenage daughter for a period of time kept saying I KNOW, whenever I told her something. Or if I saw that she was out of line I would say something and she says in an agitated tone, "I KNOW", followed by "I'm sorry", just to cut me off.

I responded immediately: It is not enough to say sorry, you say sorry all the time but you still do not do the right thing. If you are really sorry then do the right thing. Plus saying I KNOW only makes you foolish because you will cut people...

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The Having & Being Of Human-ness

I love this funny yet wise quote:

Monkeys are superior to men in this - When a monkey looks into a mirror, he sees a monkey. ~ Malcolm de Chazal.

Interpret it in whatever way we want. But we can't deny that this quote is saying that a monkey only sees a monkey in the mirror but if we give a man/woman a mirror, he/she would see more than a man/woman.

We have judgments, pre-conceived ideas, interpretations of what if/what is supposed to be and so on. We make things complicated for ourselves...

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Dealing With People We Do Not Like, In An Adult World

What if there are people we do not like whom we meet daily, they could be our bosses or people we work with. So here's something to ponder upon if we do not like a person, someone we consider an acquaintance or a work colleague, it just means that we have taken the connection we have a little too personally!

Think about it, if we were there to work, and if we take things too personally and allow our emotions to get in the way, we have allowed our emotions to make decisions for us....

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If you are giving with an expectation in return you're not doing kindness, you're doing business

Uncategorized Sep 19, 2022

I often hear people say that it is good that people receive the help they need, and it doesn't matter what the purpose of the giver was, as long as the receiver got what they needed.

I don't know if I agree with that.

I feel that for people on the path of personal development and growth, it is essential to have self-awareness and to understand one's motives for whatever we are doing as knowing our purpose plays a significant role in our growth as well. It helps us to understand...

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How Our Blindspots May Be Creating Diseases For Us

Uncategorized Sep 12, 2022

What are psychological blindspots? They are parts of us on the mental and emotional levels that we are not able to see or we are not aware of. Simply because we are too close to the subject matter, or we are just not able to see clearly due to our past, and societal, family and religious programming.

So for example, we have a habit of saying some things, or we have a habit of doing some things and we are not aware of them because we do them so unconsciously. And we can only see them if...

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Living THE Meaningful Life You Want

Almost everyone I meet wants to live a life of meaning. They feel dissatisfied if there is no meaning to whatever they do, and of course, it is perfectly valid to feel this way. This explains the high turnover rate in some industries, where the staff find it difficult to justify them being there.

There are of course circumstances well beyond the control of individuals where they need the job and the purpose for being there is to feed themselves and their families. And for them, the...

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The Delusions In Spiritual Movements Are Unsettling And Here Are Some Red Flags

Uncategorized Aug 15, 2022

I've spoken about this a lot, and I've written about this as well. And it is time for me to flag them up again. 

The delusions in the New Age movement are coming up to the surface, more and more. While the shadow side of human nature is showcased on the world stage, the SHADOW SIDE of the new age/spirituality movement is not excused. In fact, the rampant delusion and illusionary nature of spirituality is filled with so much glamour that people are just falling into the traps without...

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It is ok not to be nice

I notice this about people A LOT: people do things, say things, don't say certain things, or don't do certain things, TO BE NICE. 

While I understand that there is always a time and place to say things or do things BUT to betray self to appear nice to others and to be liked is one of the most TOXIC things to do to SELF.

It is ok not to be nice. We are not obligated in any way to be nice just because:

  • we fear being judged
  • we want others to like us
  • we want to let people think we are a...
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Your consciousness remains stuck at the age when you receive the least amount of love

Uncategorized Jul 11, 2022

The world is filled with children, dressed in adult skin and suits. We think we are all grown up, bright, make important decisions, and even marry and re-produce, but we could be doing all of these, while our consciousness is still at the level of a child. 

What do I mean by consciousness? It means one's psychology and state of awareness, to put it in modern terms, it simply means one's OS (operating system). Most people are unaware that their OS is still immature because when such an OS...

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"Don't allow someone to treat you badly because you love them"

Uncategorized Jun 20, 2022

Don't allow someone to treat you badly, just because you love them.

We all do this because we think we need to "suffer" in the name of love. And this makes it a sacrificial love, a love that is "worth it". Disney did a fine job of screwing us up. It really doesn't matter what kind of love it is, never allow yourself to be abused. 

Oftentimes, it is also easier to blame the "abuser", and when we position ourselves as a victim of the love or relationship, we inevitably set ourselves up. We...

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