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Why Do We Overthink?

Overthinking is something many of us experience. It can feel like a never-ending loop of thoughts that keep us from enjoying the present moment. But why do we overthink? Understanding the reasons behind overthinking can help us address this common issue and find ways to overcome it.

The Fear of the Unknown

One of the primary reasons people overthink is the fear of the unknown. When we face uncertainty, our minds try to make sense of it by running through all possible outcomes. This constant...

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Is Overthinking A Mental Disorder?

Overthinking. Many of us have indulged in this every once in a while. For some of us, more than others.

Overthinking has been known to be associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression. And sometimes, we can go on for decades overthinking as a habit, if it has not been brought to our attention that it is actually not good for our health.

We take for granted that it is a normal thing to do. Think, think, think. And to overdo it without restraint, like an...

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