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Blog Posts

Awake in a World of Sleepwalkers: Why Comfort Can Be Our Downfall

These days, some people think value is in the brand of their shoes. It might sound silly, but it's a big clue. Many are drifting into a self-focused bubble. They're surrounded by their own comforts: swanky homes, swish cars, and the latest tech. But, what about the broader world? It's as if many have put on blinders.

The Comfort Trap

Money brings ease. There's no denying it. A full wallet means delightful meals, the trendiest outfits, and holidays in sunny spots. But is this the end goal?...

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When Fear Is Our Comfort Zone

Remember some months back when I did a series of articles on the lower ego? If you missed out on them, below are links for you to get to them, but first I like you to finish reading this one. 

Right now, many people are facing fears on the personal level, community level, country-level as well as on the global level. These fears remind us of how not in control we really are in the grand scheme of things. Yet, it is within this same mind space that we keep feeding the fears. Our neurosis*...

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